I painted this right next to the bike I modeled it off of. I wonder if the owner of the bike saw it and recognized it as their bike. I hope so.
The All-Seeing Eye or the Eye of Providence. It is something that has so many different meanings that can be viewed differently by each individual. I watched as people passing by exclaimed different things mainly, "that's on our dollar!" It made me wonder if they knew any of the meaning behind it. It's been in books like the Illuminatus! science fiction trilogy, it's a symbol of the Freemasons, pretty much it's been all over. Pictured in Egyptian mythology and Buddhism, the Eye generally represents spiritual insight, inner vision, higher knowledge, and the occult science. I love that it can be thought of in so many ways and it was interesting seeing people's reactions.
My drawing was supposed to represent the meditation pose of Shiva but it can also be seen as Buddha. Full-Lotus is the pose most depicted when showing someone in meditation so I tried to paint that position in order to convey meditation instead of just sitting or it being mistaken for praying.
This one's a bit darker and for some reason it's still there on the wall, maybe the cup was dirty. I painted the main part of the head and then poured the rest of the cup down the side of the wall to give it that drip effect. It's something that's shown up in dreams and in my life that I'm not sure why I see it. I've researched it before and a black dog in legends is supposed to represent death or ill omen, but in one, the Black Shuck or black dog ghost, is a protector and guides women on their way home. Whatever the meaning, I think it's funny that I drew a potential death omen over an ashtray.
I painted this on a chalkboard while listening to a couple different Jimi Hendrix songs like Purple Haze and Voodoo Child. A lot of the subject is inspired by previous artistic work and a poster of him I have.
your canine reminds me of this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Hunt